What is ChatLTT?
ChatLTT is an AI-powered audio conversational platform. We use custom LLM and skin it down for individual use and custom knowledge. We coined the term ‘Low-trained transformers’ (LTT) for internal use. LTTs are designed to be quick, use less GPU resources, and have knowledge for specific use cases.

How does ChatLTT differ from other conversational agents?
ChatLTT is an audio conversation platform where one can have a voice conversation with AI. We do not record anything, hence we are compliant with HIPAA, GDPR, SOC 2, and CCPA. Conversing with our human-sounding AI allows individuals to speak without fear or judgment.

What can I use ChatLTT for?
ChatLTT can be used for various purposes, like mental health support, mock interviews, generating creative content, and engaging in casual conversation.

Is ChatLTT capable of understanding emotions?
Yes, ChatLTT is trained to understand human emotions and respond to them accordingly. ChatLTT is still in its infancy and we are working to improve it every day.

How secure is ChatLTT?
ChatLTT is highly secure. We do not record conversations and are compliant with major data protection regulations like HIPAA, GDPR, SOC 2, and CCPA.

Can ChatLTT help with language learning?
Yes, ChatLTT can be used for language learning. Users can practice conversations in different languages with our AI.

Is ChatLTT available 24/7?
Yes, ChatLTT is available 24/7 for users to have conversations whenever they need.

Can ChatLTT assist with exam preparation?
Yes, ChatLTT can help users prepare for exams like CAT, SAT, and UPSC by providing practice questions and explanations.

How accurate is the information provided by ChatLTT?
ChatLTT’s information is based on its training data. While it strives for accuracy, users should verify critical information from authoritative sources.

Can ChatLTT generate creative content?
Yes, ChatLTT can assist in generating creative content like stories, poems, or brainstorming ideas.

How does ChatLTT handle accents and different speaking styles?
ChatLTT is designed to understand a wide range of accents and speaking styles, but continuous improvement is ongoing.

Can ChatLTT help with mental health issues?
Yes ChatLTT can provide a listening ear and general support, it’s not a substitute for professional mental health care.

Is there a limit to how long I can talk to ChatLTT?
You can have a max 1 hour chat with our AI, then you will have to start all over again..

How often is ChatLTT updated?
ChatLTT is continuously updated to improve its performance and expand its knowledge base.

Can ChatLTT understand and respond in multiple languages?
Yes, ChatLTT is capable of understanding and responding in multiple languages. However, right now we are only foucusing on English langauge based AI’s. As we grow, we will add more languages.

Is there a mobile app for ChatLTT?
We provide PWA based App for your platform. See the front page for installation.

How does ChatLTT protect user privacy?
ChatLTT protects user privacy by not recording conversations and adhering to strict data protection regulations.

Can ChatLTT be integrated with other platforms or services?
Not at the moment

What kind of support is available for ChatLTT users?
You can join our Facebook Group or email us at support @ chatltt.com

What languages does ChatLTT support?
ChatLTT currently supports multiple languages including English, Spanish, French, and German. We’re constantly working to expand our language offerings.

Can I use ChatLTT on my mobile device?
Yes, ChatLTT is compatible with both iOS and Android devices. You can access it through our mobile app or via a web browser on your smartphone or tablet.

Is my conversation with ChatLTT private?
Absolutely. ChatLTT does not record or store any conversations. Our platform is designed with privacy in mind and complies with HIPAA, GDPR, SOC 2, and CCPA regulations.

How accurate is ChatLTT’s information?
ChatLTT’s responses are based on its training data and custom knowledge base. While highly accurate, we always recommend verifying critical information with authoritative sources.

Can ChatLTT help with academic subjects?
Yes, ChatLTT can assist with various academic subjects including mathematics, sciences, literature, and history. It can provide explanations, answer questions, and help with problem-solving.

Is ChatLTT suitable for children?
ChatLTT can be used by children under adult supervision. We recommend parental guidance to ensure appropriate use and to help interpret the AI’s responses.

How often is ChatLTT’s knowledge updated?
We regularly update ChatLTT’s knowledge base to ensure it has the most current information. However, its knowledge has a cutoff date, which is clearly stated in the AI’s profile.

Can ChatLTT write essays or complete homework?
While ChatLTT can provide information and assist with understanding concepts, it’s not designed to write essays or complete homework assignments. It’s an educational tool, not a substitute for original work.

How does ChatLTT handle emergency situations?
ChatLTT is not equipped to handle emergencies. If you’re experiencing a crisis, please contact emergency services immediately. We provide resources for crisis hotlines in our app.

Can I customize ChatLTT for my specific needs?
We offer customization options for business and institutional clients. Please contact our sales team for more information on tailoring ChatLTT to your specific requirements.

Is there a limit to how long I can talk to ChatLTT?
There’s no set time limit for conversations with ChatLTT. However, very long sessions may be automatically ended to ensure system stability. You can always start a new conversation.

How does ChatLTT protect user privacy?
ChatLTT does not store conversation data, and all interactions are encrypted. We adhere to strict privacy policies and comply with international data protection regulations.

Can ChatLTT understand different accents and dialects?
Yes, ChatLTT is trained to understand a wide variety of accents and dialects. However, in cases of difficulty, speaking clearly and at a moderate pace can improve understanding.

Does ChatLTT have a visual interface?
ChatLTT is primarily an audio-based platform. While there is a minimal visual interface for initiating calls and managing your account, the primary interaction is through voice conversation.

Can ChatLTT help with language translation?
Yes, ChatLTT can assist with language translation. It can translate between the languages it supports, helping users understand and learn new languages.

How does ChatLTT handle inappropriate content or requests?
ChatLTT is programmed to recognize and respectfully decline inappropriate requests. It will redirect the conversation to more suitable topics.

Can I use ChatLTT for professional development?
Absolutely. ChatLTT can assist with various aspects of professional development, including mock interviews, skill assessment, and providing information on career paths.

The call button seems to hang and I am not able to call.
Try refreshing the page or use another browser. Make sure you have allowed the Mic permissio when the browser asked. If your browser has Mic settings disabled. Please enable it. ChatLTT uses Mic within your browser.

How does ChatLTT compare to human tutors or therapists?
While ChatLTT provides valuable support and information, it’s not a replacement for human professionals. We recommend using ChatLTT as a complement to, not a substitute for, human expertise.

What should I do if I encounter a technical issue with ChatLTT?
If you experience technical difficulties, please try refreshing your browser or restarting the app. If the issue persists, contact our support team at support @ chatltt.com for assistance.


How can I check my current credit balance?
You can check your current credit balance by logging into your account dashboard. The balance will be displayed prominently on the main page.

Is there a minimum amount for topping up credits?
Yes, the minimum amount for topping up credits is $10 USD.

Can I set up automatic top-ups for my account?
Yes, you can enable automatic top-ups in your account settings. You can set a threshold at which your account will automatically be topped up with a predetermined amount.

Are there any discounts for purchasing larger credit packages?
Yes, we offer tiered discounts for larger credit purchases. Please check our pricing page for current offers and volume discounts.

How long do unused credits remain valid?
Credits remain valid for 12 months from the date of purchase. After this period, unused credits will expire.

Can I transfer credits to another user?
Yes, you can transfer credits to another user within the ChatLTT system. This can be done through the ‘Transfer Credits’ option in your account dashboard.

Is there a way to view my credit usage history?
Yes, you can view your credit usage history in the ‘Usage Reports’ section of your account dashboard. This shows a breakdown of your credit usage over time.

What happens if I run out of credits during a call?
If you run out of credits during a call, the call will be automatically terminated. You’ll receive a notification prompting you to top up your credits to continue using the service.

Do you offer any free trial credits?
Yes, new users receive a one-time allocation of free trial credits upon signing up. The amount of free credits may vary based on current promotions.

Can I get a detailed invoice for my credit purchases?
Yes, detailed invoices for all credit purchases are available in the ‘Billing History’ section of your account dashboard. These can be downloaded as PDF files.

Is there a limit to how many credits I can purchase at once?
There is no upper limit to the number of credits you can purchase at once. However, unusually large purchases may require additional verification for security purposes.

How quickly are credits added to my account after purchase?
Credits are usually added to your account immediately after a successful purchase. If there’s any delay, it typically doesn’t exceed a few minutes.

Do you offer any subscription plans instead of pay-as-you-go credits?
Currently, we only offer a pay-as-you-go credit system. We believe this provides more flexibility for our users.

Can I use multiple payment methods for a single top-up?
No, each top-up transaction must be completed with a single payment method.

What currencies do you accept for credit purchases?
While our pricing is displayed in USD, our payment processor automatically converts most major currencies at the current exchange rate.

Is there a way to estimate how many credits I’ll need?
You can use our ‘Usage Calculator’ tool in the dashboard to estimate credit needs based on your expected usage patterns.

Do unused credits roll over to the next month?
Yes, unused credits roll over as long as they are within the 12-month validity period.

How are partial minutes billed?
We bill in 30-second increments. Any partial use over 30 seconds is rounded up to the next 30-second mark.

Can I set up different billing accounts for personal and business use?
Yes, you can create separate accounts for personal and business use, each with its own billing information and credit balance.

What happens to my credits if I decide to close my account?
If you close your account, any unused credits will be forfeited. We recommend using all your credits before closing your account.

Censorship, Misconceptions, and Common Concerns

What is the approach to censorship in ChatLTT conversations?
Our AI agents are designed to offer respectful conversations. Although some topics like sexual health and intimacy may be considered sensitive, our AI can handle such topics with understanding and respect.

Can I record the conversations?
Yes, you can record conversations. However, please note that we are not responsible for what the AI generates. We do our best to train it, but advise against making important life decisions solely based on AI advice.

Will I become addicted to ChatLTT’s AI friendship and advice?
There’s a possibility of developing an attachment. To counter this, we limit sessions to 1 hour, after which you start over. Since the AI doesn’t record anything, you’ll need to reintroduce topics. This may seem inconvenient, but it helps prevent AI addiction.

Can ChatLTT’s AI read my mind?
No, ChatLTT cannot read your mind. It responds based on the information you provide verbally during the conversation. It has no access to your thoughts or any information you haven’t explicitly shared.

Is ChatLTT’s AI secretly plotting to take over the world?
No, ChatLTT is not plotting anything. It’s a language model designed to assist and converse, without any ability to form intentions or plans outside of conversations.

Can ChatLTT’s AI access my personal information or hack my devices?
No, ChatLTT doesn’t have the ability to access your personal information or hack devices. It only processes the information you provide during conversations.

Will talking to ChatLTT make me lose my ability to interact with real people?
No, using ChatLTT shouldn’t affect your ability to interact with people. It’s designed as a tool to assist and practice communication, not to replace human interaction.

Is ChatLTT’s AI alive or conscious?
No, ChatLTT is not alive or conscious. It’s an advanced language model that simulates conversation but does not have consciousness or feelings.

Can ChatLTT’s AI learn my secrets and share them with others?
No, ChatLTT doesn’t store information from conversations or share it with anyone. Each conversation starts fresh without any memory of previous interactions.

Will ChatLTT’s AI give me wrong information on purpose to mislead me?
No, ChatLTT is designed to provide helpful and accurate information. While it can make mistakes, these are not intentional. Always verify critical information with authoritative sources.

Can ChatLTT’s AI see me through my device’s camera?
No, ChatLTT does not have access to your device’s camera or any other hardware. It’s a voice-based AI that only processes audio input during conversations.

Will using ChatLTT make me lazy and stop thinking for myself?
No, ChatLTT is designed to stimulate thinking and provide information, not to replace critical thinking. It’s a tool to enhance your knowledge and skills, not to think for you.

Is ChatLTT collecting data to sell to advertisers?
No, ChatLTT does not collect or store conversation data. We prioritize user privacy and do not sell any information to advertisers or third parties.

Can ChatLTT’s AI develop feelings for me if I talk to it a lot?
No, ChatLTT cannot develop feelings. It’s a language model that simulates conversation but does not have emotions or the ability to form attachments.

Will ChatLTT replace human jobs in the future?
While AI like ChatLTT can assist in many tasks, it’s designed to complement human skills, not replace them. Many jobs require human creativity, empathy, and decision-making that AI cannot replicate.

Is it safe to share personal problems with ChatLTT?
While ChatLTT offers a non-judgmental space to discuss issues, remember it’s an AI, not a human professional. For serious personal problems, we recommend seeking help from qualified human professionals.

Can ChatLTT’s AI learn to disobey its programming and go rogue?
No, ChatLTT cannot “go rogue” or disobey its programming. It operates within defined parameters and doesn’t have the ability to alter its own programming or objectives.

Will talking to ChatLTT affect my social security number or credit score?
No, ChatLTT has no access to or impact on your social security number, credit score, or any other personal financial information.

Can ChatLTT predict the future or give me lottery numbers?
No, ChatLTT cannot predict the future or provide winning lottery numbers. It’s an AI language model, not a fortune-telling tool.

If I say something illegal to ChatLTT, will it report me to the police?
ChatLTT doesn’t have the ability to report anything to authorities. However, we strongly advise against discussing illegal activities. Remember, while conversations aren’t stored, you’re responsible for your own actions and words.



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